You’re here, so congratulations! You did it. If you think you’ll forget how you did it. Copy these instructions for the future.
Go to the login page for vendors from the main menu: Choose [click or tap] Login > Vendor Login
> menu image, >login page image
Enter your email and password. If you forget the password, use the “Lost your password?” link.
Creating/Editing Your Product Listing
> admin screen image
On the left side of the screen you’ll see a menu: Choose “Products”.
At the top of the page you’ll see a blue button “Add New” choose that.
You will see a new screen titled “Add new product”
1. Enter the name of the product
2. Enter the description of the product this is the long description appearing at the bottom of the product screen.
scroll down and add
Ignore Yoast SEO settings for now.
On the product data panel: Choose Simple product for tangible products or Bookable product for setting up service appointments.
Add a short description in the bottom panel labeled “Product Short Description” this appears next to the Add to Cart button.
You should see the starter product we created for you. Choose “Edit Product”.
Enter description.
Upload an image, square is best, or it will be cropped.
Booking Session Product
To set your price for your booking product, enter it here
Sample Product
To set your price for your standard product, enter it here